
Family & Children First

“To initiate collaborative efforts that educate and empower families in Allen County.”

The Allen County Family & Children First Council provides:

  • A Service Coordination Mechanism to serve families with multi-need and system-challenged children or those who have needs above the mandate or policies of the individual agencies or programs.
  • Early Intervention (EI) services are provided through the Allen County Board of Developmental Disabilities in collaboration with FCFC. The EI grant provides evaluation and assessment, and transition services to families with children under the age of three who have identified (or at risk for) developmental delays.
  • Monthly Council meetings to develop collaborative efforts in support of expectant parents and newborns thriving; infants and toddlers thriving; children being ready for school; children and youth succeeding in school; youth choosing healthy behaviors; and youth successfully transitioning into adulthood.
  • Family Engagement through Council representation and an emphasis on “putting families first” in planning and service.

The Allen County Family and Children First Council (FCFC) was established in 1995 in response to the Governor’s Family and Children First Initiative.  The Initiative requires each County to develop a community-based seamless system of care for families and children needing assistance.


Early Intervention Referral: 419-221-1262, Ext. 1017

For more information at the State level:






For more information contact the Allen County Family and Children First Council:

Carole Enneking, Coordinator

P.O. Box 1243

Lima, OH 45802

Phone: (419) 223-8563
